The conference will comprise four and a half days of oral and poster contributions, as well as short courses (each 2 hours duration) and discussions. Oral presentations (invited or submitted) will be 30 and 20 minutes duration. At the end of each oral presentation 5 minutes will be reserved for discussions. Poster presentations will be given equal prominence and ample time will be allowed for discussion.
The conference starts Sunday morning and ends at lunchtime (12:00) Thursday requiring participants to arrive the venue Saturday June, 8. The format of the meeting with social events will be similar to the 2022 conference.
Participants are cordially invited to submit contributions dealing with the conference topics. A one-page abstract must reach the Chairman of the Organising Committee by April 5, 2024.
Instructions for the preparation and submission of the abstract are described in the text below.
2024 Final programme
Yngvar Thomassen
National Institute of Occupational Health
P.O. Box 8149 DEP, N-0033 Oslo, Norway
These instructions have been prepared to reflect the editorial and content formats required for the Book of Abstracts. If your contribution reaches the Chairman before April 5, 2024, we will be able to include your paper in the scientific programme and Book of Abstract.
Please make the abstract informative in order to ensure that your paper is scheduled for the appropriate session and to attract the interest of your colleagues. Figures and tables may be included to convey important information. References should be included only when absolute essential and are to be placed at the end of the abstract. Your abstract must not exceed one page (single spaced, in font Times New Roman 12 or equivalent , typed area not exceed 15 cm by 25 cm, included any tables, figures and references) Please underline the name of the presenting author(s).
Submit your abstract by e-mail to Yngvar Thomassen (yngvar.thomassen@stami.no) at the given address above not later than April 5, 2024.
The size of the poster board is 1000 x 1200 mm (W x H). It is important that your audience is able to view the material and make sense of it from a distance of 1.5 to 2 meters. "Less is better". Appropriate materials for mounting posters will be provided.
The working language of the conference is English.